Ali Naeimaei


About me

Ask ten designers, "what is design?" and you will come up with at least eleven different answers.

No designer can state a final definition of «Design» that works for everyone because of the dynamic nature of Design.
As a designer, I have learned that flexibility is one of any designer’s essential traits. Since any new brief might come with a new challenge followed by various unknown factors, this is when adaptability can help me find my way to an innovative solution through the path of Design.
To me, any new project is like a new adventure. Same as when I get lost in a jungle or a desert (Truly, it has happened before). The excitement of discovery and learning helps me use my skills to navigate myself to the destination, and needless to say, It’s always better if you have a team to accompany you.
I love traveling and uncovering new places to learn about different cultures and lifestyles, and I will never miss a chance to travel abroad.’ not necessarily for holidays, but for a more long-term experience.